Friday, December 02, 2005

Hi guys! I never had time to update coz I'm busy with my layout.. hehe.. So, last saturday, I had my haircut.. It was so short, it just reached below my neck! Some of my classmates told me that my haircut didn't suit me, others liked it than my previous haircut.. But for me, it's just ok.. hehe.. Then after that, we went shopping for christmas gifts.. I get to buy gifts for my friends! Wee! ^_^ (and of course, I get to ask my mom to buy me other stuff :p)...

And then, our classes resumed on tuesday.. We get to test our products for the FoodExpo coming next tuesday (i think).. We made chocolate, cookies 'n cream flavored shakes which didn't taste good at first. We tried to make it more tasty, and we got the right amount of ingredients after a few tries! hehe XD I hope our booth, named "Ice Cream and Shakes" will turn out good next week..

On wednesday, me and my friends can't stop eating chocolates.. Super.. We eat choco first thing in the morning.. Chocolates are supposed to make you hyperactive, right? But it made me sleepy!! Overdose ata XD My notes in Bio were so messy, so they are useless for my review T_T

On thursday, we watched Romeo and Juliet... Ahh.. I'm speechless.. But I need to say something, right? They were so um, "lambing" with each other.. There were countless kissing scenes, and I don't want to remember any of it.. >.<
And today, there was a cockroach bonanza at the Computer Lab! We were startled that Klarisse suddenly squeaked and ran when she saw a cockroach. I was startled, too, when the cockroach passed by my shoes!! They eventually killed the cockroach, then the boys were scaring us (girls) with a fake one.. They got me there.. T_T

I have to go to sleep now. Bye!

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